Reusable, refillable coffee capsule

Bluecup is a reusable, refillable coffee capsule compatible with your Nespresso machine. Just fill an empty Bluecup with your own coffee and put the capsule into the machine. It’s easy! The result? Your best espresso ever!

Your lifestyle, your espresso

Sustainable Nespresso Capsule


Bluecups are lifetime sustainable. A Bluecup is reusable in no time. Just empty the grind from the capsule and refill. It is better for our planet.

Free coffee choice Nespresso capsule

Optimal coffee choice

The Bluecup can be used with any coffee, as long as the size of the grind is right. With your passion for coffee and a little attention to detail, you can create the perfect personal espresso with your own choice of beans or ground coffee. Your own espresso!

Best possible price Nespresso capsule


The coffee you choose is not the only thing that determines how you experience your espresso moment: the cost of each capsule is important too. Now you can create the best quality espresso for the best possible price.

The perfect coffee capSULE for your espresso

Bluecup is right for you. Why? Because you love a good espresso and you can make one quickly with your Nespresso machine. But here’s the twist: from now on, you can use the coffee beans or ready-ground coffee of your choice! And you can buy these wherever you want. Now you can create your own top-quality espresso:

  • Lifetime sustainable Nespresso capsules
  • Choose your own coffee in your Nespresso machine
  • Choose the coffee capsule that suits your budget


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Bluecup: Reusable Nespresso capsule